How Does This Work?
The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND) and other customers offer funding opportunities to CWMD members through solicitations called Requests for Prototype Projects (RPPs). The RPPs offer CWMD members the opportunity to propose prototype technologies to the technology requirements in each solicitation’s objective area. Active, Draft Statement of Objectives (SOO) and Forecasted solicitations are listed below, as are the status of RPPs for which submissions have been received.
If you are not a CWMD member and wish to become one, please click here for instructions.
For specific project related informationor solicitation inquiries, please direct your correspondence to or the respective Point of Contact listed in the below tables. Please note communication with the Government is permitted and encouraged EXCEPT during the evaluation period.
A list of potential solicitations that could become a future opportunities through the CWMD Consortium is provided by the JPEO office and updated throughout the year. If Government customers choose the CWMD Consortium for forecasted items, a draft Statement of Objectives will be released, and Government engagement sessions will be scheduled. All correspondence will be sent out via email to the CWMD Consortium membership list and documents posted to the CWMD members only site.
RPP Release # (Date) | Requirement | Description | Requiring Office / Point of Contact | Submission Type | Submission Due Date |
Q4FY24 | IEW Phase 2 | Establish Mission Planning and integration of the tactical, operational, Network convergence and CI/CD pipeline. This will allow initial integration of non-CBRN operational and open-source information to enable IEW decision-making, refineCBRN planning support tools, begin convergence of CSC2 capabilities with Service Computing Environments (CEs) and Common Operating Pictures (COP) and enable information sharing with domestic partners. There will be multiple awards in FY25 and 26. | JPdL CBRN IEW Drew Murphy (443) 910-6103 | ||
Q1FY25 | Agent Directed Therapeutic (ADTX) FY25 OTA (Projecting to be an OTA – further evaluation on CWMD v. MCDC still needed) | New start OTA award for ADTX | TBD | ||
Q1FY25 | Autonomous Decontamination System (ADS) / PPMT #TBD | ADS will provide a semi-autonomous supported capability that relies on precision detection capabilities, modernized decontaminants, and robotics to allow a Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear decon squad to provide thorough decontamination on critical mission equipment. | JPM CBRN Protection Erica Howell 703-617-2457 | ||
Q2FY25 | VADER (Vapor, Agent Demasking – Easily Readable) (Stand Alone OTA) | Colorimetric - Chemical detection capability to screen for low level vapor concentrations of multiple chemicals with a single sample; Detection capability will include various chemical warfare agents (CWAs):blood, blister, nerve and choking classes. Additionally, there is further interest in capabilities for detection of: Riot Control Agents (RCAs), Non-Traditional Agents (NTAs), Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs), and Pharmaceutical Based Agents (PBAs), and aerosolized chemical agents. | DTRA RD-CB Nicole Murphy | ||
Q2FY25 | SInISTER(Systems Integrating Innovative Solutions To Enable Rapid) Detection Technologies (BIO) | Colorimetric Materials & Detection Capability, Portable, stand-off detection with near-IR or Raman Encase technology for ruggedization Circuit board with interdigitated capacitor (IDC) coated with sensing elements for electronic measurements Semi-conducting materials ML to deconvolute the data and build-in library database Read-out signal for end-user | DTRA RD-CB Dr. Jennifer Soliz | ||
Q2FY25 | Novel bioaerosol detection and identification technologies | Novel approaches to bioaerosoldetection and identification that implement reliable, accurate and timely sampling mechanisms in a diverse range of operational environments. Aim to address current technical challenges such as false positive results, interference from environmental artifacts, and lack of automated & remote sampling approaches. | DTRA RD-CB Dr. StephenFrancesconi | ||
Q2FY25 | Diagnostic platforms for agnostictoxin detection (Vehicle TBD) | Develop diagnostic and detection assays, platforms, or devices to sense exposures of emerging toxins, to include naturally occurring (e.g. marine, fungal, snake venom, small molecules) or synthetically-derived threats. | DTRA RD-CBA Dr. Patricia McMahon | ||
Q3FY25 | Capabilities and Needs for Future Respiratory and Ocular Protection Systems | This topic aims to provide novel, low-burden masks for the general purpose warfighter utilizing innovative materials and custom manufacturing processes. These materials and processes will make these masks bespoke to users’ physical features and vision, and designed to protect while optimizing mission performance. | DTRA RD-CBT Dr. Kendra M. McCoy | ||
Q3FY25 | Synthetic binder prediction, synthesis, and assay development. (Vehicle TBD) | This effort will solicit multidisciplinary teams for a competition involving prediction of synthetic binders, synthesis of identified binders, and assay development to include, but not limited to, lateral flow assays (LFAs) with the binders. | DTRA RD-CBA Dr. Lalena Wallace | ||
Q3FY25 | Biocontainment Isolation System – Enhanced Biodefense (BCIS-ENBD) | BCIS-ENBD will provide a ground-based isolation area for personnel infected or suspected of infection of biological organism or infectious disease and allows medical staff to monitor and/or treat while decreasing the risk of infecting other patients and staff. | JPM CBRN P Collective Protection Gregg Buehler | ||
Q3FY25 | Portable Patient Transport System - Enhanced Biodefense (PPTS-ENBD) | PPTS-ENBD will provide a biocontainment isolation system to safely transport personnel infected or suspected of infection from a biological threat. | JPM CBRN P Collective Protection Dan Shegogue | ||
Q3FY25 | Shipboard Isolation System (SIS) | SIS will provide the capability to temporarily isolate or quarantine personnel to prevent the spread of a biological threat and safely evacuate patients for transfer off the ship. Capability will contain and medically monitor/treat patients while protecting embarked crew and personnel. | JPM CBRN P Collective Protection Katrina Jewell | ||
Q4FY25 | CBRN Sensor Integration on Robotic Platforms (CSIRP) Capability Set (CS) 4.0 | The Government is seeking proposals for development and integration of new CBRN sensing payloads, using common interfaces, on a range of unmanned ground, sea, and air platforms. This includes integration of sensor data into autonomous threat mapping efforts and command and control networks. | JPM Sensors/RPI/CSIRP Timothy Krakowski | ||
4QFY25 | CIND (All States of Matters for Various Chemical Hazards) | Chemical indicators; Low-cost, easy to use, ultra-low SWaP modular open system based chemical detector that is widely distributed to the General Forces as an integrated kit for indication of chemical hazards; Provide detection and classification capabilities with increased confidence for traditional, advanced and emerging chemical hazards such as CWAs, NTAs, PBAs, RCAs, TICs and Toxins; Address chemical hazards in all states of matter (Solid, Liquid, Vapor, Aerosol) | JPdM CDMA Louis Anderson | ||
Q1FY26 | Far Forward Biological Sequencing (FFBS) Increment 2 | FFBS Increment 2 will focus on automating the sample preparation process and meeting any key performance parameter thresholds that were not met during the development of FFBS Increment 1. This is a completely separate requirement from FFBS Increment 1. | JPM CBRN SOF MAJ Hope Poster | ||
Q3FY26 | Advanced System for Protection and Integrated Reduction of Encumbrances (ASPIRE) | ASPIRE will provide respiratory and ocular protection against Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear threats that allows near normal operations by minimizing or eliminating physical and psychological burden and increasing Warfighter lethality. | JPM CBRN P Individual Protection Tom Kloehn | ||
Q4FY27 | Advanced Differential Diagnostics (ADD) (Vehicle TBD) | Host Response based test to predict illness severity | JPdL-Diagnostics/JRO-CBRND Christopher Joyal |
A draft Statement of Objectives (SOO) is provided in advance of the formal release of the Request for Prototype Project (RPP) in order to allow time to facilitate collaboration and provide you with an opportunity to describe your proposed solution to the Requirement Owner. All draft SOOs will be accompanied by an engagement session with the requirement owner, and it is imperative that if interested in proposing that you participate aheadt of the solicitation being release and open for submissions.
Release Date/Type of | Type of Opprutunity | Requirement | Description | Requiring Office / Point of Contact | Submission Type | Submission Due Date |
10/21/2024 | Draft SOO | Systems Integrating Innovative Solutions To Enable Rapid (SInISTER) Detection | The SOO is seeking an innovative technology from respondents who can research and develop low to no-power, bioaerosol detection technologies capable of screening multiple biological threats and/or small molecules from the environment. This includes but not limited to: Biological Warfare Agents (BWAs), Emerging Bio-Threats, Toxins, Pharmaceutical Based Agents (PBAs), and other Small Molecules, as well as relevant Bio-Threats | DTRA RD-CBPD Jennifer R. Soliz, Ph.D. 571-289-0327 |
Once an RPP has been finalized by Government, it is sent out to CWMD membership and documents posted to the members only site. Communication with Government is open until the submission due date passes. You must be an active member of CWMD in good standing to submit as the prime to any open RPPs. Submission are conducted through the CWMD BIDS portal, and you have an account in BIDS to submit. All RPPs close at twelve noon and no late submissions will be accepted.
Release Date/Type of | Type of Opprutunity | Requirement | Description | Requiring Office / Point of Contact | Submission Type | Submission Due Date |
RPP-25-02 (01/07/2025) | RPP | Systems Integrating Innovative Solutions To Enable Rapid (SInISTER) Detection | The SOO is seeking an innovative technology from respondents who can research and develop low to no-power, bioaerosol detection technologies capable of screening multiple biological threats and/or small molecules from the environment. This includes but not limited to: Biological Warfare Agents (BWAs), Emerging Bio-Threats, Toxins, Pharmaceutical Based Agents (PBAs), and other Small Molecules, as well as relevant Bio-Threats | DTRA RD-CBPD Jennifer R. Soliz, Ph.D. 571-289-0327 | Enhanced White paper | January 28, 2025 12:00PM Eastern |
Once an RPP submission due date has hit, the solicitation is now in the Government evaluation phase. Communication with the Government is NOT permitted and considered to be in the “black out” period. During this time the status of the solicitation/submissions can be found below as it moves through evaluations. Once Government evaluations are complete Selection Announcement Letters (SAL) will be sent out to each offeror, and negotiations begin with any submission the Government selects to move forward with an award
Submission Stats Key
- Received: Number of proposals received
- Selected: Number of proposals selected for award at time of Selection Announcement Letter
- Basket: Number of proposals placed in basket
Awardee Key
- Awarded: Full Executed Project Agreements (Prime Awardee Listed Only)
- An asterisk (*) indicates a proposal pulled from basket for award
- In Negotiation: Government has made selections and Offerors have been notified. SOW development and negotiations are on-going.
- In Evaluation: Government is performing Source Selection
RPP Release # (Date) | Requirement | Requiring Office | Submissions Stats | Awardee | Award Date | Estimated Value |
RPP-25-01 (10/08/2024) | Low-Profile Radiation Surveillance (LPRS) System | JPEO-CBRN-D Richard Peterson 703-697-4910 | Received: 8 Selected: Basket: | In Evaluation | ||
CWMDCG-2024-01 (9/4/2024) | CWMD-2024-01 Commercialization | CWMD Consortium | Received: 4 Selected: 3 | In Negotiation | ||
RPP-24-08 (9/4/2024) | Handheld Spectrometer System Prototype for Waveguide-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy | DEVCOM Dr. Erik D. Emmons 410-436-9757 | Received: 5 | In Negotiation | ||
24-07 (8/21/2024) | Agnostic Identification of Protein Toxins via Nanopore Technology | DEVCOM Davi Kristovich (410) 599-2225 | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | In Negotiation | ||
24-06 (7/22/2024) | Advancements in Radiation Detection Hardware and Software | DTRA RD | Received: 26 Selected: Basket: | In Negotiation | ||
24-05 (05/29/2024) | Odor Delivery System and Cell-Free Detection System | DEVCOM | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | In Negotiation | ||
24-04 (01/25/2024) | Self-Detoxifying Chemical/Biological Protective Fabric Optimization | DTRA RD-CBT | Received: 8 Selected: 3 Basket: 4 | In Negotiation | ||
24-03 (01/03/2024) | CWMD 2403: Virtual Reality Tactical Assault Kit (VRTAK) Prototype Functionalities for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Defense Mission Readiness | DTRA RD-CBI | Received: 6 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Applied Research Associates, Inc. | 8/26/2024 | $9,188,050.00 |
24-02 (11/01/2023) | CWMD 2402: Advanced System for Protection and Integrated Reduction of Encumbrances Hood/Mask Interface (ASPIRE HMI) | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 4 Selected: 3 Basket: 1 | Avon Protection Systems, Inc. | 9/4/2024 | $3,082,903.00 |
24-01 (11/01/2023) | CWMD2401: Waterless Solutions for Decontamination | DTRA Joint Science and Technology Office (Hazard Protection and Mitigation Division) | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Akita Innovations LLC | 7/29/2024 | $4,698,874.00 |
23-07 (08/31/2023) | CBRN Support to IEW Phase 1 | JPL Integration | Received: 15 Selected: 2 Basket: 12 | DCS Corporation | 10/09/2024 | $13,599,197.00 |
23-06 (06/07/2023) | M8 Compressors | DEVCOM Chemical Biological Center | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | In Negotiation | ||
23-05 (03/16/2023) | Biological Agent Disclosure Spray Technologies | DTRA RD-CBT | Received: 5 Selected: 2 Basket: 1 | Battelle Memorial Institute Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 4/1/2024 4/30/2024 | $16,085,877.00 $13,812,318.00 |
23-04 (03/07/2023) | CB11111: First Ripple | DTRA RD-CBA | Received: 8 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | MRI Global | 6/4/2024 | $54,714,797.00 |
23-03 (02/17/2023) | VIRTUS Prototype Research and Development | DTRA RD-NTD | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Asynchrony Solutions LLC | 3/27/2024 | $47,858,741.00 |
23-02 (02/08/2023) | CWMD 2302: Chemical Resistant Rope, Cordage and Webbing | DTRA RD-CBT | Received: 3 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | *Battelle Memorial Institute | 09/27/2023 | $2,397,886 |
23-01 (11/08/2022) | CWMD 2301: CBRN Sensor Integration on Robotic Platforms (CSIRP) | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 37 Selected: 1 Basket: 7 | Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc. | 09/14/2023 | $26,894,180 |
22-08 (08/18/2022) | CWMD 2208: Next Generation Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Protection Respirators | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 18 Selected: 2 Basket: 13 | In Negotiation | ||
22-07 (07/20/2022) | CWMD2207: Next Generation Shipboard Collective Protection System | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Design West Technologies | 02/22/2023 | $5,174,240 |
22-06 (04/07/2022) | CWMD2206: Tactical Contamination Mitigation System (TCMS) | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 9 | Integrated Solutions for Systems, Inc. (IS4S) Clear Scientific LLC | 09/28/2022 03/24/2023 | $1,394,128 $4,535,850 |
22-05 (02/24/2022) | CWMD2205: Compact Spectrometer System Prototype for Waveguide-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (WERS) | DEVCOM CBC | Received: 7 Selected: 2 Basket: 4 | BaySpec, Inc. Wasatch Photonics, Inc. | 09/30/2022 10/19/2022 | $280,000 $147,308 |
22-04 (12/09/2021) | CWMD2204: Persistent Active Access Denial Technologies | DTRA RD-CXW | Received: 2 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | No Awards Made at This Time | ||
22-03 (12/09/2021) | CWMD2203: Standoff Delivered Passive Access Denial Technologies for Tunnels and Portals | DTRA RD-CXW | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | TDA Research, Inc. | 09/30/2022 | $592,115 |
22-02 (11/04/2021) | CWMD2202: Service Equipment Decontamination System (SEDS) | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 19 Selected: 4 Basket: 1 | HDT Expeditionary Integrated Solutions for Systems Integrated Solutions for Systems Integrated Solutions for Systems | 09/29/2022 08/11/2022 08/12/2022 08/12/2022 | $6,808,606 $2,681,758 $1,815,111 $2,443,493 |
22-01 (10/14/2021) | CWMD2201: M49 Filter Modernization | CCDC CBC | Received: 2 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | HDT Expeditionary Design West Technologies | 09/30/2022 09/30/2022 | $1,058,024 $1,354,360 |
21-19 (09/14/2021) | CWMD2119: Reactive-Chemistry Orthogonal Surface and Environmental Threat Array (ROSETTA) Vapor De-Masking Tool | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 4 Selected: 0 Basket: 0 | No Selections Made at this Time | ||
21-18 (08/17/2021) | CWMD2118: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Wearable Sensors Rapid Prototyping | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 40 Selected: 0 Basket: 37 | *Spectral Labs *T2S LLC *Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc. *Exponent, Inc. *RTI International *MRI Global | 04/14/2023 04/19/2023 05/19/2023 05/10/2023 05/24/2023 06/09/2023 | $4,397,202 $45,075,000 $13,729,425 $15,466,000 $17,387,905 $17,373,578 |
21-17 (07/22/2021) | CWMD2117: Modular Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (M-SCBA) | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | D. Wheatley Enterprises, Inc. | 04/27/2022 | $2,855,392 |
21-16 (07/22/2021) | CWMD2116: Forward Area Mobility Spray- System (FAMS-S), Small and/or Large Variant | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 9 Selected: 0 Basket: 2 | *Design West Technologies | 05/18/2022 | $1,832,353 |
21-15 | SBIR | CCDC CBC | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | MESH, Inc. | 08/31/2021 | $21,908,908 |
21-14 (04/28/2021) | CWMD2114: Forward Area Mobility Spray-System (FAMS-S), Man Portable Variant | JPEO-CBRND JPL SOF | Received: 8 Selected: 3 Basket: 2 | ITL Solutions Integrated Solutions for Systems, Inc. (IS4S) Design West Technologies | 01/12/2022 2/11/2022 02/16/2022 | $276,505 $241,672 $865,242 |
21-13 (04/14/2021) | CWMD2113: Uniform Integrated Protection Ensemble Family of Systems (UIPE FoS) Gloves | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 13 Selected: 7 Basket: 3 | Blauer Manufacturing W.L. Gore W.L. Gore W.L. Gore AirBoss Defense W.L. Gore Marcon Engineering, Inc. | 12/03/2021 02/04/2022 02/04/2022 02/04/2022 02/16/2022 02/17/2022 03/02/2022 | $393,811 $82,783 $82,462 $82,490 $474,058 $82,490 $383,400 |
21-12 (04/12/2021) | CWMD2112: Deployable Oxygen Generation System (DOGS) | DTRA | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | TDA Research, Inc. | 07/12/2022 | $1,300,000 |
21-11 (04/06/2021) | CWMD2111: Human and Health Effects (HHE) Model-Based Casualty Estimation for Chemical and Biological (CB) Releases Involving Indoor Environments | DTRA RD CBI | Received: 4 Selected: 0 Basket: 3 | No Awards Made at This Time | ||
21-10 (04/05/2021) | CWMD2110: CBRN Common Operating Repository (CORe) for Defense Applications | DTRA RD CBI | Received: 9 Selected: 1 Basket: 6 | Domenix Corp. *Polaris Alpha Advanced Systems, Inc. ** **Note: This Project was pulled from the Basket and awarded by JPL CBRN Integration. | 09/23/2021 05/24/2023 | $3,294,802 $14,993,574 |
21-09 (03/19/2021) | CWMD2109: Mission Oriented Protective Posture Recommendation Plugin for the Tactical Assault Kit | DTRA RD CBI | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Applied Research Associates | 09/10/2021 | $1,200,175 |
21-08 (03/18/2021) | CWMD2108: Proximate Chemical Agent Detector (PCAD) Development | DTRA JSTO | Received: 16 Selected: 1 Basket: 10 | Pendar Technologies *Smiths Detection, Inc. | 09/29/2021 04/01/2022 | $4,160,000 $11,752,009 |
21-07 (02/17/2021) | CWMD2107: Societal Impact of Nuclear Weapon Detonations (SIND) | DTRA RD NT | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Applied Research Associates | 09/08/2021 | $4,332,053 |
21-06 (02/17/2021) | CWMD2106: Electrical Power Grid Impact of Nuclear Weapon Detonations (EPGIND) | DTRA RD NT | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Xator Corp. | 08/30/2021 | $3,888,839 |
21-05 (02/11/2021) | CWMD2105: Telecommunication Impact of Nuclear Weapon Detonations (TIND) | DTRA RD NT | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Ennetix, Inc. *Applied Research Associates, Inc. | 09/07/2021 06/02/2023 | $3,000,000 $2,972,080 |
21-04 (02/09/2021) | CWMD2104: Low Temperature Plasma Mass Spectrometer Detector (LTP-MS) | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Amaratek | 09/29/2021 | $2,962,760 |
21-03 (02/04/2021) | CWMD2103: M48A1 Filter Modernization | CCDC CBC | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Design West Technologies | 09/29/2021 | $769,904 |
21-02 (01/28/2021) | CWMD2102: Compact Trace Analyte Collector (CTAC) | DTRA RD CXS | Received: 9 Selected: 1 Basket: 6 | Smiths Detection, Inc. | 09/30/2021 | $2,869,656 |
21-01 (11/17/2020) | CWMD2101: Economic Impact of Nuclear Detonations (EIND) | DTRA-RD-NTE | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | University of Southern California | 09/28/2021 | $4,000,000 |
20-42 (09/17/2020) | CWMD2042: Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability (HPAC) Plugin for TAK Variants | DTRA-RD-CBI | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Aeris LLC | 05/05/2021 | $8,516,658 |
20-41 (08/18/2020) | CWMD2041: Future Target Lethality Model Prototypes | U.S. Air Force | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | SURVICE Engineering Company LLC | 04/23/2021 | $1,899,885 |
20-40 (08/12/2020) | CWMD2040: Electrospun Nanofiber Composites Containing Biologically-derived Carbon Nanofibers | CCDC-CBC | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Intelligent Optical Systems, Inc. | 08/20/2021 | $642,996 |
20-39 (07/21/2020) | CWMD2039: Next Generation Shipboard CPS Filter Housing | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 2 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | HDT Expeditionary Design West Technologies, Inc. | 11/19/2020 2/07/2020 | $693,198 $664,996 |
20-38 (07/13/2020) | CWMD2038: Non-Destructive Leak Test V2 | CCDC-CBC | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | HDT Expeditionary | 05/06/2021 | $637,481 |
20-37 | SBIR | CCDC CBC | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Global Resonance Technologies | 09/23/2020 | $149,924 |
20-36 (06/17/2020) | CWMD2036: CBRN Dismounted Reconnaissance Sets, Kits, and Outfits (DRSKO) System Modernization (SM) Prototype | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | FLIR Detection | 03/22/2021 | $19,042,649 |
20-35 (06/17/2020) | CWMD2035: Mobile Platform Collective Protection Service Life Improvement | CCDC-CBC | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | HDT Expeditionary Systems, Inc. | 03/08/2021 | $2,563,604 |
20-34 (06/12/2020) | CWMD2034: Compact Hyper-Temporal Imaging Sensor for Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems Applications (CHTIS “Cheetis”) | DTRA-RD-TTT | Received: 3 Selected: 0 Basket: 1 | No Selections Made at this Time | ||
20-33 (06/26/2020) | CWMD2033: Virtual Reality (VR) Based Chemical and Biological Defense (CBD) Readiness Preparation | DTRA RD-CBI | Received: 9 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Applied Research Associates | 03/30/2021 | $4,512,574 |
20-32 (05/21/2020) | CWMD2032: Demilitarization of Chemical and Biological Weapons Using Abrasive Water Jets | CCDC CBC | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Gradient Technology | 04/15/2021 | $7,335,813 |
20-31 (04/23/2020) | CWMD2031: Reactive Coating Technologies | DTRA RD-CBT | Received: 8 Selected: 1 Basket: 4 | Seton Hall University | 12/14/2020 | $2,039,825 |
20-30 (04/22/2020) | CWMD2030: Wireless RF Diagnostics | DTRA-RD-CXC | Received: 10 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | SignalScape, Inc. DeepSig, Inc. | 07/26/2021 07/26/2021 | $2,660,237 $1,136,179 |
20-29 (04/15/2020) | CWMD2029: MX908 Aerosol and Vapor Attachment Module (AVAM) | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 5 Selected: 0 Basket: 0 | RPP Canceled | ||
20-28 (04/07/2020) | CWMD2028: Know More Now | DTRA RD-TTT | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | KnowledgeBridge International, Inc. | 03/10/2021 | $1,324,308 |
20-27 (04/03/2020) | CWMD2027: Temporary Overcoat Prototypes for Military Vehicles | CCDC CBC | Received: 3 Selected: 3 Basket: 0 | ITL LLC Materials Modification, Inc. Clear Scientific LLC | 03/09/2021 03/15/2021 04/19/2021 | $9,975 $19,733 $10,350 |
20-26 (04/02/2020) | CWMD2026: Wide Area Monitoring of Contaminated Environments | DTRA RD-TTT | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | QinetiQ, Inc. | 01/14/2021 | $2,770,575 |
20-25 (04/01/2020) | CWMD2025: Automated Machine Learning for Countering Tactical Improvised Threats (AutoML) | DTRA RD-TTT | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | KnowledgeBridge International | 12/11/2020 | $1,090,236 |
20-24 (03/31/2020) | CWMD2024: Negative Pressure Container (NPC) | USTRANSCOM and Air Mobility Command (AMC) | Received: 13 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | UTS Systems | 04/07/2020 | $52,178,906 |
20-23 (03/30/2020) | CWMD2023: Detecting Emerging Threats in the Machine Learning Supplier Base | DTRA RD-TTT | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Selection Pressure LLC dba Ion Channel | 11/25/2020 | $767,843 |
20-22 (03/30/2020) | CWMD2022: Collective Protection Improved Non-Destructive Production Acceptance Leak Test Method for Collective Protection Gas Filters | CCDC CBC | Received: 2 Selected: 0 Basket: 0 | No Selection Made; Requirement to be Revised, Refined, and Re-released | ||
20-21 (03/30/2020) | CWMD2021: Exterior Vehicle-Attached Device Removal (EVADR) | DTRA-RD-TTT | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Battelle Memorial Institute | 11/30/2020 | $476,323 |
20-20 (03/25/2020) | CWMD2020: Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Integrated Detection (CBRN-ID) Prototype(s) for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Defense (DoD) | JPEO-CBRND JPL Sensors / DHS CWMD Rapid Capabilities Division | Received: 68 Selected: 1 Basket:59 | Physical Sciences, Inc. *Vectrus Mission Systems *WWT Asynchrony Labs | 11/04/2020 03/23/2021 09/22/2023 | $7,242,932 $30,230,266 $47,753,765 |
20-19 (03/25/2020) | CWMD2019: Extended Life Filter for CBRN Protection | CCDC CBC | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Guild Associates | 01/26/2021 | $1,107,298 |
20-18 (03/24/2020) | CWMD2018: Detection of Non-Traditional UAS through Unintended Emissions | DTRA RD-TTT | Received: 9 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Battelle Memorial Institute | 10/12/2020 | $242,957 |
20-17 (03/23/2020) | CWMD2017: Trust and Antidotes for Poison in Neural Networks (TAPNN) | DTRA RD-TTT | Received: 7 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Battelle Memorial Institute | 02/26/2021 | $200,457 |
20-16 (03/23/2020) | CWMD2016: Compact High-Power Microwave for Unknown Device Defeat (CHiPMUnk DD) | DTRA RD-TTT | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Vadum, Inc. | 10/06/2020 | $1,443,574 |
20-15 (03/20/2020) | CWMD2015: Searching for Threats by Anticipating Relationships in Disconnected Unstructured Stacks of Teleprocesses (STARDUST) | DTRA RD-TTT | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | ARD Global | 09/29/2020 | $1,000,283 |
20-14 (03/18/2020) | CWMD2014: Warning for Anomalous RF (WARF) | DTRA RD-TTT | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Expedition Technology | 10/08/2020 | $1,097,650 |
20-13 (03/17/2020) | CWMD2013: Silent Night – Reduced Blast Breaching Prototype | DTRA RD-CX | Received: 9 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | Southwest Research Institute *Integrated Solutions for Systems, Inc. (IS4S) | 10/05/2020 05/07/2021 | $2,407,515 $2,194,754 |
20-12 (03/17/2020) | CWMD2012: Compact Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) | DTRA RD-NTD | Received: 11 Selected: 1 Basket: 4 | Charles Stark Draper Laboratory | 09/29/2020 | $2,999,959 |
20-11 (03/16/2020) | CWMD2011: Vapor Phase Chemical Warfare Agent | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 1 Selected: 0 Basket: 1 | No Selections Made at this Time | ||
20-10 (03/09/2020) | CWMD2010: Rapid Training Development Platform | JPEO CBRND HQ | Received: 8 Selected: 0 Basket: 0 | RPP Canceled | ||
20-09 (03/09/2020) | CWMD2009: Non-Kinetic Effects Against UAS Components | DTRA RD-TTT | Received: 6 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Charles Stark Draper Laboratory | 09/25/2020 | $299,919 |
20-08 (02/25/2020) | CWMD2008: NBCRV Radiological and Nuclear Sensor Payload Advanced Prototyping | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 2 Selected: 0 Basket: 1 | No Selections Made at this Time | ||
20-07 (01/06/2020) | CWMD2007: High Mobility Decontamination System (HMDS) Training Video | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | AppliedInfo Partners, Inc. | 09/23/2020 | $704,225 |
20-06 (01/06/2020) | CWMD2006: Mass Personnel Contamination Mitigation System (MPCMS) | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 12 Selected: 0 Basket: 0 | RPP Canceled | ||
20-05 (12/16/2019) | CWMD2005: Optimized Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear Hydration Supply | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | D. Wheatley Enterprises | 09/03/2020 | $808,637 |
20-04 (12/16/2019) | CWMD2004: Compact Vapor Chemical Agent Detector (CVCAD) | DTRA-JSTO/JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 23 Selected: 4 Basket: 18 | General Electric (GE) Research N5 Sensors, Inc. FLIR Detection Hamilton Sundstrand Corp. | 01/25/2021 01/29/2021 02/03/2021 02/15/2021 | $5,788,286 $6,077,885 $5,155,777 $5,179,810 |
20-03 (11/26/2019) | CWMD2003: Mobile Platform Collective Protection Filter Design Modernization (MPCPS) | CCDC CBC | Received: 4 Selected: 3 Basket: 0 | Guild Associates HDT Expeditionary Design West Technologies | 09/30/2020 10/01/2020 10/12/2020 | $100,000 $249,377 $232,469 |
20-02 (11/07/2019) | CWMD2002: CPS Filter Housing | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 2 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | Requirement Cancelled | ||
20-01 (10/10/2019) | CWMD2001: Chemical Surface Detector (CSD) Prototype | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 8 Selected: 2 Basket: 3 | Flir Detection QinetiQ, Inc. | 09/29/2020 10/22/2020 | $18,711,579 $619,065 |
19-36 (09/04/2019) | CWMD1936: Containment and Vapor Delivery System to Aid in Chemical, Biological and Explosive Threat Detection | CCDC CBC | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Excet, Inc. | 09/29/2020 | $2,426,832 |
19-35 (08/28/2019) | CWMD1935: Real-time 3D Mapping of Radiological Threats and Hazards | DTRA | Received: 7 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | FLIR Detection | 07/21/2020 | $4,987,410 |
19-34 (08/28/2019) | CWMD1934: SBIR | DTRA | Received: 2 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | EM Photonics Phase Sensitive Innovations | 09/19/2019 09/23/2019 | $502,177 $6,848,904 |
19-33 (07/09/2019) | CWMD1933: CK Gas Production Prototype | CCDC CBC | Received: 4 Selected: 0 Basket: 3 | *J Mike Stevens Consulting | 02/03/2021 | $1,266,766 |
19-32 (06/19/2019) | CWMD1932: Closed-Circuit Combined Unit Respirator System | CCDC CBC | Received: 4 Selected: 0 Basket: 3 | *Mine Survival, Inc. | 03/03/2021 | $1,489,007 |
19-31 (06/05/2019) | CWMD1931: Artificial Intelligence Augmented Security Management Prototype | Wright Patterson Air Force Base | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Dynamis | 09/30/2020 | $50,000 |
19-30 (05/01/2019) | CWMD1930: Special Application Module (SAM) Prototype Project | SOCOM | Received: 7 Selected: 2 Basket: 1 | QRC LLC NexGen Communications | 12/23/2019 01/02/2020 | $339,266 $323,773 |
19-29 (04/25/2019) | CWMD1929: Multi-agent Identification Kit and Equipment (MIKE) Pack | CCDC CBC | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Draeger | 10/25/2019 | $409,899 |
19-28 (04/25/2019) | CWMD1928: Alternate Material for Collectively Protected Liner Prototyping | CCDC CBC | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Production Products Mfg & Sales, Co., Inc. | 05/06/2020 | $202,215 |
19-27 (04/24/2019) | CWMD1927: Contaminated Casualty Containment Litter (C3L) | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | ISOVAC Products | 11/26/2019 | $154,103 |
19-26 (04/23/2019) | CWMD1926: Bannockburn - Improved Linear Shape Charge | DTRA | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Rocky Mountain Scientific Laboratory | 04/23/2020 | $3,073,934 |
19-25 (04/23/2019) | CWMD1925: M26 Engine Replacement Prototype Project | CCDC CBC | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | UTS Systems | 09/29/2019 | $185,774 |
19-24 (04/23/2019) | CWMD1924: Zirconium Hydroxide for Chemical Biological (CB) Protection | DTRA | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Guild Associates, Inc. | 12/23/2019 | $881,262 |
19-23 (04/10/2019) | CWMD1923: Residual Life Indicator Sampling Cartridge Analysis Prototype System for Fixed Site Protection | CCDC CBC | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | HDT Expeditionary | 12/23/2019 | $1,599,370 |
19-22 (04/10/2019) | CWMD1922: Handheld Networkable Radioactive Isotope Identification Detector (RIID) Prototype and Evaluation | DTRA RD-NTD | Received: 6 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | Radiation Monitoring Devices | 06/19/2020 | $5,100,000 |
19-21 (04/05/2019) | CWMD1921: Red-Team Family of Systems Standardized Architecture Prototype | DTRA JD-TSB | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Aurora Flight Sciences | 09/30/2019 | $1,828,130 |
19-20 (03/25/2019) | CWMD1920: Modernization of SOF Integrated Footwear System (IFS); originally listed as: Chemical and Biological Protective Sock | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | W.L. Gore | 12/03/2019 | $27,163 |
19-19 (03/15/2019) | CWMD1919: Reactive-Chemistry Orthogonal Surface and Environmental Threat Ticket Array (ROSETTA) | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 5 Selected: 3 Basket: 0 | Clear Scientific Intelligent Optical Systems Lynntech | 08/26/2019 09/03/2019 09/03/2019 | $300,729 $2,030,405 $369,418 |
19-18 (03/07/2019) | CWMD1918: Scientific and Communications Prototype to Conduct Biological Studies in Extreme and Remote Environments (Human Performance) | DTRA | Received: 12 Selected: 2 Basket: 7 | Rhodium Scientific Rhodium Scientific *Rhodium Scientific | 09/19/2019 09/27/2019 03/25/2021 | $200,000 $170,000 $186,000 |
19-17 (03/06/2019) | CWMD1917: Urban Modeling Capability for Android-based End User Devices (EUDs) | DTRA Digital Battlespace Management Division (RD-CBI) | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Aeris LLC | 09/20/2019 | $2,680,012 |
19-16 (03/06/2019) | CWMD1916: Environmental Monitoring for Identification of Illicit Opioid Production Facilities | DTRA RD-CXR | Received: 9 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | Quantitative BioSciences, Inc. *Hamilton Sundstrand Corp. *FLIR Detection, Inc. | 09/03/2019 09/29/2020 01/14/2021 | $703,043 $3,150,115 $7,954,601 |
19-15 (02/26/2019) | CWMD1915: NIOSH Filter for Military Applications | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 5 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | 3M Company Avon Protection Systems | 12/04/2019 02/26/2020 | $409,374 $659,684 |
19-14 (02/13/2019) | CWMD1914: Chemical Warfare Agent (CWA) Device Packaging (DP) | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics | 10/01/2019 | $98,060 |
19-13 (02/11/2019) | CWMD1913: Chemical Biological (CB) Ground Mobility Barrier (GMB) | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Integrated Solutions for Systems, Inc. (IS4S) | 09/10/2019 | $979,668 |
19-12 (02/06/2019) | CWMD1912: Low Altitude Nuclear Explosion (LANE) Prototype | DTRA Nuclear Effects Division | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Leidos, Inc. | 10/21/2019 | $10,932,602 |
19-11 (01/28/2019) | CWMD1911: CBRN Sensor Integration on Robotic Platforms (C-SIRP) | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 43 Selected: 4 Basket: 25 | T2S LLC Intelligent Optical Systems Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc. *FLIR Detection, Inc. | 08/09/2019 08/09/2019 08/16/2019 09/16/2019 06/03/2022 | $24,000,000 $2,328,987 $15,878,756 $2,637,913 $13,340,538 |
19-10 (01/25/2019) | CWMD1910: Operationally Realistic Testing Prototype | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Joint Research and Development, Inc. | 07/24/2019 | $15,572,000 |
19-09 (01/24/2019) | CWMD1909: Enhanced Digital Armor Prototype to Counter Explosively Formed Penetrator Improvised Explosive Devices | DTRA JIDO | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Artis LLC | 06/28/2019 | $2,087,815 |
19-08 (01/22/2019) | CWMD1908: Joint Health Risk Management Decision Support and Information System Prototype | JPM CBRN Medical | Received: 6 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | LMI Consulting LLC | 08/22/2019 | $17,343,329 |
19-07 (01/09/2019) | CWMD1907: Identification Prototypes to Counter Biological Threats | CCDC CBC | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Penn State University | 08/01/2019 | $863,803 |
19-06 (01/02/2019) | CWMD1906: Heuristic Threat and Opportunity Tracking System | DTRA JIDO | Received: 8 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Virginia Tech Applied Research Corp. | 11/05/2019 | $2,499,417 |
19-05 (12/06/2018) | CWMD1905: Lightweight Flame Spectrometer for Mounted and Dismounted Reconnaissance | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | D. Wheatley Enterprises, Inc. | 06/05/2019 | $4,205,562 |
19-04 (11/27/2018) | CWMD1904: Joint Personal Dosimeter Squad, Increment 0 Operational Demonstration and Evaluation | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Kromek | 06/10/2019 | $389,376 |
19-03 (11/21/2018) | CWMD1903 – Micro Precision Strike Vehicle Prototype | DTRA | Received: 4 Selected: 2 Basket: 0 | IMSAR Charles Stark Draper Laboratory | 07/09/2019 07/10/2019 | $1,187,489 $1,868,982 |
19-02 (11/07/2018) | CWMD1902: Portable Chemical Fingerprint Identification System (PCFIS) | CCD CBC | Received: 5 Selected: 2 Basket: 3 | MKS Technology Pendar Technologies | 03/18/2019 03/20/2019 | $466,748 $749,169 |
19-01 (10/31/2018) | CWMD1901: Nuclear Biological Chemical Reconnaissance Vehicle (NBCRV) Sensor Suite Upgrade (SSU) | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 6 Selected: 1 Basket: 5 | FLIR Detection | 03/15/2019 | $92,221,576 |
18-34 (09/11/2018) | CWMD1834: Mounted Enhanced RADIAC Long-Range Imaging Networkable (MERLIN) Design Enhancement | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | H3D, Inc. | 02/13/2019 | $4,248,906 |
18-33 (07/23/2018) | CWMD1833: Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification Identifier (LID) | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 8 Selected: 1 Basket: 3 | Not funded; the selected project was placed in the Basket | ||
18-32 (07/10/2018) | CWMD1832: Collective Protection Filters for Gas-Phase Contaminants | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | HDT Expeditionary Systems, Inc. | 01/22/2019 | $4,078,030 |
18-31 (07/02/2018) | CWMD1831: Low Frequency Electromagnetic Detection Prototype | DTRA | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | QUASAR Federal Systems | 12/18/2018 | $661,408 |
18-30 (06/25/2018) | CWMD1830: Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification Identifier (LID) | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 0 Selected: 0 Basket: 0 | Requirement revised and re-released | ||
18-29 (06/25/2018) | CWMD1829: Comprehensive User Interface – Common Viewer Prototype | DHS CWMD Office | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Rapiscan Systems *Symetrica | 11/16/2018 02/08/2019 | $327,630 $1,287,255 |
18-28 (06/22/2018) | CWMD1828: Compact, Light-weight Bioaerosol Collection System for Group 1 Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) | DTRA CBA | Received: 5 Selected: 2 Basket: 3 | National Strategic Research Institute Georgia Tech Applied Research Corp. (GTARC) | 03/18/2019 04/03/2019 | $959,999 $449,127 |
18-27 (06/20/2018) | CWMD1827: Prototype Chemical Munition Destruction System in Support of Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives (ACWA) Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plants | PEO ACWA | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Amentum Services, Inc. | 02/13/2019 | $328,287,230 |
18-26 (06/14/2018) | CWMD1826: Development of Tunable Electronic Components for Reconfigurable Subsystems | Aviation & Missile RDEC | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Pennsylvania State University | 09/25/2018 | $200,000 |
18-25 (06/12/2018) | CWMD1825: BioDetection 21 | DHS CWMD Office | Received: 12 Selected: 1 Basket: 10 | Logistics Management Institute (LMI) | 09/28/2018 | $9,526,623 |
18-24 (06/12/2018) | CWMD1824: Tactical Disablement System (TacDS) | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 23 Selected: 1 Basket: 8 | Southwest Research Institute *Applied Research Associates | 03/19/2019 06/28/2019 | $3,310,504 $1,848,451 |
18-23 (06/11/2018) | CWMD1823: MRDS Integrated Man-portable Radiation Detection System (MRDS) Prototype | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 4 Selected: 2 Basket: 1 | Asynchrony Solutions LLC INTERFUZE Corp. | 11/15/2018 11/16/2018 | $2,139,547 $3,887,630 |
18-22 (06/11/2018) | CWMD1822: MIX Mobile Imagery Exploitation (MIX) Prototype | DTRA IAA | Received: 4 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Two Six Labs | 09/20/2018 | $843,098 |
18-21 (06/05/2018) | CWMD1821: Uniform Integrated Protection Ensemble Family of Systems (UIPE FoS) | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 13 Selected: 5 Basket: 6 | W.L. Gore W.L. Gore VITNI Corp. Tex-Shield NC State University | 11/30/2018 11/30/2018 12/07/2018 01/09/2019 04/08/2019 | $242,048 $78,178 $461,430 $2,165,472 $437,197 |
18-20 (06/05/2018) | CWMD1820: Advanced Filters for CBRN Protection | CCD CBC | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | NuMat Technologies | 09/21/2018 | $7,383,056 |
18-19 (06/05/2018) | CWMD1819: Vehicle Integrated Platform Enhanced RADIAC (VIPER) Prototype Enhancement | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 7 Selected: 1 Basket: 4 | Spectral Labs | 09/07/2018 | $4,420,617 |
18-18 (05/31/2018) | CWMD1818: Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) Environmental Monitoring and Insight Network (EMIN) Prototype | PACAF | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Arete Associates | 09/20/2018 | $3,482,127 |
18-17 (05/31/2018) | CWMD1817: Triplex-Toxin Analyte MultiSpot Prototype Lateral-Flow Toxin and Bacterial Assay Tests | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 1 Selected: 0 Basket: 1 | *Maxim Biomedical | 08/27/2019 | $25,950 |
18-16 (05/31/2018) | CWMD1816: Joint Biological Point Detection System (JBPDS) Type IV Liquid Consumables Bottle Redesign | CCD CBC | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | D. Wheatley Enterprises, Inc. | 09/24/2018 | $125,513 |
18-15 (05/31/2018) | CWMD1815: Scene Change Detection System | DTRA CXC | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Charles Stark Draper Laboratory | 01/17/2019 | $2,953,439 |
18-14 (05/24/2018) | CWMD1814: Chemical/Biological Detector Prototype for the Field Expedient Leak Tester (FELT) | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Design West Technologies | 10/16/2018 | $789,888 |
18-13 (05/23/2018) | CWMD1813: Expanded Toxic Industrial Chemical (TIC) Protection for Joint | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 5 Selected: 2 Basket: 2 | Guild Associates HDT Expeditionary Systems, Inc. | 11/06/2018 11/06/2018 | $2,283,479 $270,271 |
18-12 (04/24/2018) | CWMD1812: CBRN IEW Software Network ISO Joint US Forces Korea Portal and Integrated Threat Recognition | JPEO-CBD R&D Experimentation | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Vectrus Mission Systems (Sentel) | 08/16/2018 | $16,657,735 |
18-11 (05/24/2018) | CWMD1811: Chemical and Biological Integration Platform | DTRA CBI | Received: 9 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Synertex | 09/25/2018 | $2,703,335 |
18-10 (04/06/2018) | CWMD1810: Chemical Detection Module (CDM) Prototype Design Optimization | CCDC CBC | Received: 3 Selected: 0 Basket: 1 | *Smiths Detection | 03/08/2019 | $1,332,157 |
18-09 (05/23/2018) | CWMD1809: Integrated Early Warning (IEW) Tactical Visualization | CCDC CBC | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | DSC Corp. | 07/17/2018 | $572,022 |
18-08 (04/24/2018) | CWMD1808: Contaminated Human Remains Transfer Case | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Federal Fabrics Fibers | 09/04/2018 | $1,523,805 |
18-07 (04/17/2018) | CWMD1807: Expeditionary Chemical Monitoring Prototype (ECMP) for Integrated Early Warning (IEW) in CBRN Environments | RDECOM CB ECBC Battlefield Integration Branch | Received: 1 Selected: 1 Basket: 0 | Arete Associates | 07/23/2018 | $674,085 |
18-06 (04/06/2018) | CWMD1806: Non-Standard Chemical Biological Aircraft Survivability Barrier (NS CASB) | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 3 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | Integrated Solutions for Systems, Inc. (IS4S) | 09/10/2018 | $1,496,149 |
18-05 (04/05/2018) | CWMD1805: High-Mobility Decontamination System | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 5 Selected: 1 Basket: 2 | Intelagard *Integrated Solutions for Systems, Inc. (IS4S) | 06/29/2018 07/16/2020 | $13,068,042 $99,619 |
18-04 (04/06/2018) | CWMD1804: Integrated Early Warning Virtual Architecture Prototyping | JPEO-CBRND R&D Experimentation | Received: 6 Selected: 2 Basket: 4 | Polaris Alpha Advanced Systems DCS Corp. | 08/17/2018 08/21/2018 | $997,642 $987,369 |
18-03 (04/06/2018) | CWMD1803: Multi-Phase Chemical Agent Detector (MPCAD) | JPM CBRN Sensors | Received: 6 Selected: 2 Basket: 3 | Signature Science FLIR Detection | 09/18/2018 09/25/2018 | $41,432,215 $34,621,715 |
18-02 (01/04/2018) | CWMD1802: Bulk Agent Sample Transfer | JPL CBRN SOF | Received: 2 Selected: 1 Basket: 1 | JGW | 04/12/2018 | $359,466 |
18-01 (01/04/2018) | CWMD1801: Mass Personnel Decontamination System (MPD) | JPM CBRN Protection | Received: 6 Selected: 2 Basket: 3 | Integrated Solutions for Systems, Inc. (IS4S) UTS Systems LLC *UTS Systems LLC *ITL LLC | 04/05/2018 04/10/2018 09/04/2018 07/24/2019 | $794,704 $417,968 $806,706 $37,081 |