Accelerating DoD’s Fielding of Prototypes to
Counter Weapons of Mass Destruction
New RPPs Released:
RPP 25-03: Physiological Human Systems Integration and Computation (PHYSIC)
New Draft SOO Released:
Draft SOO: Guardian (mmW)
New RFIs Released:
CWMD offers a wide variety of
members and business opportunities
The Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) Consortium was formed in response to the Government’s expressed interest to establish an Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) with an eligible entity or group of entities, to include industry, academic, and not-for-profit partners, for advanced development efforts to support the Department of Defense’s (DoD) medical pharmaceutical and diagnostic requirements as related to enhancing the mission effectiveness of military personnel.
Companies that are part of the US Industrial base, as well as new and emerging non-traditional defense contractors, are encouraged to join the CWMD and participate in Federally-funded R&D projects.
• Traditional Contractors
• Non-Traditionals (Companies that don’t typically participate in Federal R&D)
• Academia
• Non-Profit/Not-For-Profit Research Institutions
Developing technologies such as radiation sensor, sonar, cargo X-ray, and chemical detection to stop attacks before they occur
Technologies to gain situational awareness and understand the actions of adversaries, including technologies for detection, analytics, vulnerability assessments, and operational readiness
Technologies to protect individuals and groups, including ocular, respiratory, percutaneous, and materiel protection